Monday, October 7, 2013

Another day, another dollar!

Hello there!   EllieBean checking in!  Things at the EllieBelle Ranch are great!  Lots of running, lots of playing and foster mama got me and my buddy Koda a TON of new toys.  Boy, oh boy, I love toys!    Some of them even had stuffing.   We took care of them.  Stuffing is not permitted!  What can I say?  I'm still puppy, through and through. 

This morning, we woke mom up to tell her that the birds were awake and the pony was hungry.  She was so happy; almost as happy to get up early as we were to wake her up early!  You can see my fast-wagging tail in the picture she took when we said "GOOD MORNING!!" 

She wasn't as motivated to get up as we were to wake her up, so I helped.  I'm a helper, a real motivator like that!
So then we went to feed el pony-o.  I helped again with that chore.  I barked.  Once in a while, a girl's just gotta be heard! 
Koda and I spent quite a bit of time playing and romping, so I'm relaxing my bones now.  A little rest and meditation to prepare for supper and additional PT (totally not physical therapy - I'm healthy as a horse!  Of course, I'm talking PLAY TIME!  woot woot!) tonight.  Mom says we've got more work to do, so I should probably catch 40 winks. 
So that's my Ellie kind of day today!  Hope everyone else's rocked as much as mine!

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